June 2021
ALDI supports a European legal framework against deforestation
The ALDI SOUTH Group along with more than 35 other international companies, have signed an open letter from the Retail Soy Group to the Brazilian government to protect the Amazon Rainforest and the land rights of indigenous people in Brazil and supported an industry statement to call for a robust EU legal framework.

Wildfires and deforestation in Brazil are increasing and have reached dangerous levels. The existence of the entire Amazon rainforests is endangered and once a certain tipping point is reached, the rainforest ecosystem could collapse. To stop this trend, urgent action is needed at all levels – from politics to businesses to consumers.

After its first attempt in 2020, the Brazilian government is once again trying to introduce legislation that would grant amnesty for illegal land grabbing and deforestation, downsize protected areas, and open up indigenous lands and protected areas to large-scale construction projects. These activities will have a negative impact on the environment and indigenous lands. ALDI is joining forces with other international companies and environmental organisations to highlight the importance of protecting the Amazon and indigenous territories in 2021 and beyond.

It is not only in Brazil, but also in Europe where action is needed. The Brazilian legislative proposal clearly shows that we cannot rely solely on legislation in producing countries. That is why we also support a robust legal framework within the European Union against deforestation for the production of imported raw materials. Together with more than 40 other companies, the ALDI SOUTH Group has supported an industry statement outlining requirements for strong European legislation.

Forest protection is a key responsibility for ALDI. One of the commitments of our International Sustainability Strategy is to strive for the elimination of deforestation in our high-priority supply chains by 31 December 2025.

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