
Considering the variety of products we offer in our ALDI stores, we have to manage multiple supply chains all over the world. We identified certain food and non-food supply chains where environmental and social standards are particularly impacted. Find out more about our actions and goals to improve sustainability.

Responsible sourcing, certified products and strong partnerships – these are the pillars of ALDI SOUTH Group's cocoa strategy to raise sustainability standards for people and the environment.
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The ALDI SOUTH Group is committed to fostering fair working conditions and environmentally friendly production in the cultivation of coffee. To make our coffee supply chain more sustainable, we identify risks and impacts, strive for supply chain transparency and source independently certified products.
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Palm Oil
The ALDI SOUTH Group is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to ensure responsible and sustainable palm oil production. We only use RSPO-certified palm oil for our own-brand food and non-food products.
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Fish & Seafood
Overfishing and irresponsible fishing practices are the key drivers for the dangerous decline of fish stocks and destruction of wildlife habitats. The ALDI SOUTH Group is committed to responsible sourcing practices for all its fish and seafood products. We will achieve this goal by focusing on responsible sourcing and product certification.
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The ALDI SOUTH Group is going beyond certification to help the banana sector become socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. We are implementing requirements and standards into buying decisions and engaging in initiatives to make living wages a reality for all banana workers.
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Tropical Fruit
We support fair working conditions and environmentally friendly production of the tropical fruit sold in our stores. To drive change, the ALDI SOUTH Group is collaborating with business partners and stakeholders across the industry.
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The ALDI SOUTH Group is committed to fostering fair working conditions and environmentally friendly production in the cultivation and processing of nuts. Together with our suppliers, multi-stakeholder initiatives, certification bodies and industry experts, we promote sustainable requirements for nut products.
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Together with our business partners, we are committed to achieving long-term sustainable improvements in the cultivation of cotton. By 2025, our own-brand ALDI garments and textiles will contain 100% sustainable cotton.
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It is highly important to us that ALDI SOUTH Group garments and household textiles are produced in an environmentally and socially responsible way. As such, we are committed to enhancing working conditions in our production facilities and streamlining the textile supply chain, encompassing design, fabric production, dyeing, and garment finishing.
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