August 2020
The ALDI SOUTH Group joins the Sustainable Nut Initiative (SNI)
The ALDI SOUTH Group is proud to become the first discount retailer to join the Sustainable Nut Initiative (SNI) and show our commitment to fostering fair working conditions and environmentally friendly production in the cultivation and processing of nuts.

In 2018, the ALDI SOUTH Group identified nut supply chains as a high priority due to the human rights and environmental challenges associated with growing, processing and sourcing of this raw material. Since challenges in the different nut supply chains are complex and diverse, we are convinced that the most effective way to advance this sector is through collaboration and joint action.

Under the motto “Securing sustainable supply”, SNI participants are dedicated to join forces against those negative impacts and bring the nut sector to a higher level in terms of sustainability and quality. Working with retailers, manufacturers and growers alike, ALDI will strengthen relationships in complex supply chains, develop scalable approaches for improving local working conditions, sharing best practices and shape future industry standards. With focusing on transparency and traceability in a first step, this will be the foundation for a more sustainable sourcing of our varied nut assortment.

By sharing the Sustainable Nut Initiative’s goals, we commit to drive progress in global nut supply chains towards better agricultural practices, advanced social standards, and ultimately more sustainable consumer products. We are looking forward to creating impact on the ground by jointly developing more sustainable nut supply chains.

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© 2024 ALDI SOUTH Group. All rights reserved.