Animal Welfare

Meat, dairy and eggs are some of the core products sold by the ALDI SOUTH Group, which is why we are committed to delivering better animal welfare standards across our markets.

Key facts
land animals were globally farmed for food in 2021*
of products offered in our stores comprise meat, dairy, and eggs
global farm animal production is expected to double**

Why animal welfare is important

The global challenges of food production are linked to almost every threat currently facing our planet, its ecosystems, and its people. These food systems have become highly industrialised, with the livestock sector being the largest user of agricultural land. The number of land animals slaughtered for food each year has increased eightfold since the 1960s and most farmed animals are reared intensively in systems that impact their welfare.

How does the ALDI SOUTH Group ensure animal welfare?

Demand for animal products is high and so are our customers' expectations. The challenges facing food production and its supply chains are wide-ranging and complex, but this does not stop us from delivering products that meet certain animal welfare standards.

Our focus on specific animal welfare issues depends on the perception of animal welfare and legal requirements within each of our national markets.

The ALDI SOUTH Group is committed to:

  • None of our products contain any raw materials derived from exotic or endangered animal species. Our health and beauty products, detergents and cleaners are free from animal testing.
  • We prohibit our suppliers from live-plucking and force-feeding ducks and geese. We have strict requirements for fresh meat and poultry suppliers to apply appropriate stunning methods when slaughtering.
  • We do not offer any products containing angora wool or real fur. We also prohibit mulesing during merino wool production.
Setting the standards for better animal rearing

ALDI SÜD Germany has become a driving force, pioneering better animal husbandry in Germany. Since 2019, we have voluntarily labelled our meat products – and since 2022 also some dairy products – so that German customers can see the conditions under which the animals were kept. The animal husbandry system is a four-stage rating system which classifies the husbandry type from minimum (1) to premium (4) husbandry conditions.

  • 100% of our drinking milk in Germany comes from husbandry levels 3 and 4.
  • 50% of the fresh meat sold in Germany comes from husbandry levels 3 and 4

ALDI SÜD Germany aims to source 100% fresh and processed meat sourced from suppliers with husbandry levels 3 and 4 by 2030.

Setting the standards for better animal rearing

ALDI SÜD Germany has become a driving force, pioneering better animal husbandry in Germany. Since 2019, we have voluntarily labelled our meat products – and since 2022 also some dairy products – so that German customers can see the conditions under which the animals were kept. The animal husbandry system is a four-stage rating system which classifies the husbandry type from minimum (1) to premium (4) husbandry conditions.

  • 100% of our drinking milk in Germany comes from husbandry levels 3 and 4.
  • 50% of the fresh meat sold in Germany comes from husbandry levels 3 and 4

ALDI SÜD Germany aims to source 100% fresh and processed meat sourced from suppliers with husbandry levels 3 and 4 by 2030.

Award-winning dairy farming in the UK

The ALDI Dairy Farm Partnership is a partnership between ALDI UK and Arla Foods, a farmer-owned co-operative, to develop best practice in animal welfare and farm management to improve the UK dairy industry.

Increasing welfare for laying hens and broiler chicken

Nearly 85% of the 8.3 billion egg-laying hens worldwide are kept in cage systems. The welfare of laying hens has been an important, global topic for nearly four decades and “cage-free” remains a big challenge across industries. Our efforts have ensured that 59% of shell eggs sold by the ALDI SOUTH Group are cage-free.

  • ALDI SÜD Germany was the first ALDI market to commit to the European Chicken Commitment (ECC), a set of standards for broiler welfare that is leading the global food industry towards higher welfare practices. It is a science-based, welfare policy that addresses issues relating to breeding, housing, stocking density and slaughter systems.
  • Fast growth rates result in significant pain and suffering for chickens. HOFER Austria has been introducing slower growing breeds for a range of products in 2023. By selecting slower growing breeds for FairHOF products, HOFER Austria is strongly committed to more humane animal welfare practices for broiler chickens.
Our goal: Our target is to reach 100% of animal fibres for textiles such as wool or down will be certified according to an accepted standard by the end of 2026.

Making a difference: Animal fibres and materials

Our commitment to a more humane, environmentally sound world goes beyond food systems. Addressing animal fibres allows us to implement better animal standards within our non-food products.

The ALDI SOUTH Group already adheres to the following certifications:
  • Downpass 2017
  • Leather Working Group (LWG)
  • Responsible Down (RDS)
  • Good Cashmere Standard (GCS)
  • Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)
Related downloads

Find out more about our animal welfare policies, initiatives and projects. The Animal Welfare Factsheet provides information about the ALDI SOUTH Group for benchmarking enquiries.

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© 2024 ALDI SOUTH Group. All rights reserved.