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Basic line: Information about the corporate responsibility activities and vision of the ALDI SÜD Group.

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  • This website contains statements that refer to the future development of the ALDI SOUTH Group. These forecasts represent estimates made and based on the information available to the ALDI SOUTH Group at the time of writing. Actual developments may deviate from current expectations. The ALDI SOUTH Group accepts no responsibility regarding these statements.
  • Due to corporate structure changes, HOFER KG is renamed to ALDI SÜD KG as of 01.01.2023. Documents that have been uploaded before 01.01.2023 may still show HOFER KG in its imprint, which was appropriate at the time of upload and therefore will not be updated retroactivly but only if such documents are updated contentwise anyway after 01.01.2023.
Image Credits
  • Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) License number: FSC-N001588
  • ALDI SOUTH Group (CR Portal, Company, Customers, Suppliers/Focus: supplier assessments, People, People/Focus: occupational safety and the promotion of health, Environment, Environment/Focus: modern refrigeration technology, International Activities
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (Community/Focus: long-term partnerships)
  • Bátor Tábor (Community)
  • ALDI employee Jill Sacco, Corporate Responsibility (Community)
  • pixabay / Jim Black (News / ALDI publishes ‘International Buying Policy for Cotton’)
  • pixabay / Quang Nguyen (News / ALDI SOUTH Group signs living wage commitment)
  • pexels / Ihsan Aditya (News / The ALDI SOUTH Group ranked 5th in 2019 WWF Palm Scorecard)
  • pixabay / aimorepeppu (News / ALDI signs open letter on preserving Thailand’s Fishery Reforms)
  • pexels / Kelly Lacy (News / Environmental projects support our carbon neutrality target, ALDI SOUTH Group making fashion more transparent)
  • pixabay / © Pexels (News / The ALDI SOUTH Group ranks first in global benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare)
  • pixabay / Anke Sundermeier (News / Continuing our commitment to sustainable fish and seafood by supporting robust fisheries control and joining a Committee of GLOBALG.A.P.)
  • pixabay / Dejan Dodica (News / COVID-19: ALDI takes action to support global garment industry)
  • pixabay / Rosa Maria (News / ALDI SOUTH urges Brazil not to undermine its protection of the Amazon)
  • Consumer Good Forum (News / ALDI joins the Consumer Goods Forum)
  • pixabay / Christo Anestev (News / ALDI supports Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard)
  • Tony’s Chocolonely (News & Story Choco Changer)
  • pixabay / Charles Echer (News / ALDI co-founds new Soy Transparency Coalition)
  • pixabay / Free-Photo (News / ALDI joins the ‘Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability’)
  • pixabay / Prasanta Sahoo (News / ALDI partners with amfori and the United Nations to support gender equality)
  • pixabay / Stokpic (News / ALDI’s forest protection achievements over the past year, ALDI support the UN’s “International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour”)
  • pixabay / Muhamad Suhkry Abbas (News / ALDI continues to uphold human rights in the canned tuna supply chain)
  • pixabay / Republica (News / ALDI supports a European legal framework against deforestation)
  • BBC Storyworks (News / ALDI is part of the “Better Lives through Better Business” campaign by The Consumer Goods Forum)
  • Textile Exchange Material Change Index (News / ALDI leading the 2020 “Material Change Index” for cotton performance)
  • Issara Institute (News / ALDI leading the 2020 “Material Change Index” for cotton performance)
  • pixabay / Quang Nguyen vinh (News / ALDI pilots amfori’s “Speak for Change” grievance mechanism programme)
  • pixabay / Petra Blume (News / ALDI supporting sustainable fish and seafood in the European Union)
  • Unsplash / Erik Aquino (News / 2021 Modern Slavery statements of ALDI Australia and ALDI UK & Ireland)
  • pixabay / Johan Nature Photos (News / ALDI calls for a binding agreement on mackerel and herring quotas)
  • Pedro Becerra / ntv / DISQ / DUP (News / ALDI SÜD Germany wins Sustainability Award for its AFRIKA Organic Cashews)
  • ISA-TRAESKO (News / ALDI SÜD Germany sells Cradle to Cradle Certified® shoe)
  • ÖRK/Markus Hechenberger (News / ALDI SOUTH Group receives Humanity Award)
  • / zoranm (Customers)
  • / t_lesiv (Resources)
  • / Brasil2 (Resources/Focus: protecting our forests)
  • / Nastasic (Resources)
  • / ktmoffitt (Resources)
  • / slpu9945 (Resources)
  • / poco_bw (Suppliers)
  • / oneinchpunch (Suppliers)
  • / PeopleImages (Community)
  • plainpicture/Cavan Images (Customers)
© 2024 ALDI SOUTH Group. All rights reserved.
© 2024 ALDI SOUTH Group. All rights reserved.