November 2021
ALDI updates its “International Policy Statement for Human Rights”
The ALDI SOUTH Group has expanded its commitment to respect human rights. The policy outlines the efforts and commitments to implement our due diligence process that prevent, mitigate and remediate actual and potential human rights risks in supply chains.

As an international company with global supply chains, ALDI is aware of its responsibility to respect human rights; these rights are non-negotiable and apply equally to each one of us. The new International Policy Statement for Human Rights extends ALDI’s existing commitment, which was published in 2018.

ALDI’s policies and actions are developed in alignment with internationally recognised standards and guidelines such as the Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The policy describes how ALDI is addressing actual and potential human rights risks by improving and strengthening its due diligence process. It outlines ongoing efforts and our commitment to remediation and to increasing our dialogue with potentially and affected stakeholders and representatives. Finally, a commitment to comply with laws and standards related to the environmental protection is also included as climate change and other environmental issues can also adversely impact human rights.

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