July 2020
The ALDI SOUTH Group joins the Sustainable Coffee Challenge
By joining the Sustainable Coffee Challenge, ALDI continues to show its commitment in respecting human rights and improving the living and working conditions of 25 million coffee producers in the global coffee supply chain.

Coffee is among the world’s most-traded raw materials and is primarily cultivated by smallholder farmers in sub-tropical regions. Our Human Rights Risk Assessments has identified coffee as a high priority commodity group due to the human rights and environmental challenges associated with growing and sourcing of this raw material. We aim to change this situation by fostering fair working conditions and environmentally friendly production in the cultivation of coffee. Currently 55% of our coffee is sustainably sourced.

Since 2015, the Sustainable Coffee Challenge is a coalition of companies, governments, NGOs and research institution dedicated to creating a fully sustainable coffee sector. This will be achieved by having a shared vision of sustainability and delivering change via meaningful targets.

The ALDI SOUTH Group is proud to engage in the Sustainable Coffee Challenge and work together on improving the global coffee sector. We are committed to generating impact on the ground and believe that the best way to create the greatest impact in the coffee supply chain is through long-term joint initiatives and partnerships.

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